. . . an eclectic mix of things I find beautiful, inspirational, important or just plain interesting . . .

13 November 2009

ingo maurer

My absolutely favorite lighting designer, Ingo Maurer, has a new design entitled Lacrime del Pescatore (Tears of the Fishermen). He says, "30 years ago, on the waters of the Venice lagoon I saw fisherman’s nets covered in thousands of water droplets. And as they sparkled in the early morning sun I was inspired to create lacrime del pescatore".

The fixture is made of three layered nylon nets dripping with 350 crystals and is one of the most eye-catching light installations this year. Lacrime del Pescatore gives the sensation of being underwater. Each individual crystal hangs suspended in the air, creating a phosphorescent glow reminiscent of the way light filters through water.

Available at Unica Home for $1,872.000


  1. Love it!! The Lacrime del Pescatore is fantastic...all the details...check out this video, where the designer explains the concept of this work.

    I have found this new brand too, a young portuguese brand with great ideas!!! Take a look


    Hope you enjoy it!

  2. Great post!
    I really enjoy visual inspiration like the one in this pieces!!
    Thank's for the tip, I visit the pages and it is a incredable brand!
    The lighting of Delightfull are gorgeous. I will search up more information about this brands!
    Love It!
    and by the way visit also www.bocadolobo.com. They have beautiful luxury timeless pieces!
    I really enjoyed your blog.
    I’ll come back to see what you post next!
