. . . an eclectic mix of things I find beautiful, inspirational, important or just plain interesting . . .

18 August 2011

if your house was burning, what would you take with you?

The latest addition to the retailer Anthropologie's "Anthropogist" series is entitled "The Burning House". In it photographer Foster Huntington documents what one would save in the face of a fire. It's effect on the 23-year-old has been significant. Says Huntington, "Seeing other people's photos and hearing stories of those who have actually lost everything has forced me to reevaluate and condense." As he learned the definition of the word "irreplaceable" is quite subjective, and shifts considerably with age.

This got my attention because we live in a high-fire danger area. We're supposed to be ready at a moment's notice to be able to evacuate, have everything packed and ready to go by the door. Of course we're not ready. After living here for three years, it's high-time we get serious!

Here's a few of the "collections".

The author's

Baby Boomer: Denise Fike, age 58

Gen X: Melia Marden & Frank Sisiti Jr, age 30s

iGeneration: Antonio Blanchett, age 10

Millennial: Eric Elliott, age 22

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