. . . an eclectic mix of things I find beautiful, inspirational, important or just plain interesting . . .

23 November 2011

what your home’s interior design says about you

This is kind of fun. A guestpost on Let me be inspired by Philip J Reed, on behalf of Westwood College, attempts to psychoanalyze our interior design choices. Where do you fit in?

It’s often been observed that “the clothes make the man.” And, certainly, you can also tell a lot about a person from the company they keep, the films they enjoy and the issues that interest them most. But what about their home’s interior design?

Yes, you can also tell a lot about a person by the place in which they choose to live. Maybe they need a spotless kitchen before they feel prepared to cook, or maybe they look to a wall full of books for inspiration. How you decorate your home doesn’t just influence you, it also provides a window to your psyche.

The colors you choose, the styles you prefer and even the degree of order you impose on your surroundings speak volumes about who you are. Here are just a few ways to determine what your home might be saying about you.

Warm or Cool?
Warm colors are vibrant and inviting, while cool colors create an atmosphere of tranquility. Your home decor color choices say much about your desire for a stimulating environment or your preference for a calming retreat from stress. Color balances you, giving you a visual representation of what you crave. If you have a hectic life, you probably prefer soothing colors that let you relax into them. If you feel the need for more energy, then warm colors could give you the charge you need to start your day.

Neutrals also play a role in home decor. If your home contains plenty of white space, you admire simplicity; black accents reveal a love of mystery. Browns and taupes provide transitions between warm and cool hues, bringing balance to your home.

Simple or Ornate?
Whether you prefer clean-lined minimalism or Victorian ornamentation speaks to your worldly nature. If you appreciate modern design influenced by Japanese or Scandinavian styles that draw attention to the natural beauty of the materials, you tend to lead a more contemplative life. Lushly decorative elements like Louis XIV style furnishings or Victorian embellishments create a sensuous environment that appeals to your love of physical beauty. Books span the gap between contemplation and action. If you use books as a design element as well as a resource, you’re probably intellectually inclined and spend as much time thinking as you do dreaming or taking action.

Whether you have an interior design degree or just a good eye for style, you’ll probably combine the simple and the ornate in your home decor. This eclectic blend of styles indicates a balanced outlook that integrates both your inner and outer selves into a harmonious whole.

Neat or Messy?
Are you someone who can’t think in a messy room, or do you need some clutter to make a house feel like home? How you keep your house sometimes indicates your need for control. A spotless home means you feel the need to exercise control over your environment, while a somewhat chaotic environment means you’re willing to take life as it comes. This guideline is general, though; sometimes a messy home indicates nothing more than a busy week.

These are just a few of the ways that your home speaks for you. Before it says too much, take a good long look at your home’s interior design, and make sure it’s representing you accurately!

Images from: Alvhem & Stadshem

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